Neal Rauhauser

Neal Rauhauser

Maklumat peribadi

Umur: 57
Harijadi: 22 Jun

Tentang saya:

An older hacker, planning on taking advantage of the e-Estonian business environment so I can work for companies in Europe.

My education was computer science. I have worked as a plant engineer for internet service providers since the year 2000. I held the Cisco Certified Network & Design Professional certs from 2000 - 2009. Lately I have been working on cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Paycoin, NuBits) and cipherspace (Tor, I2P, Cryptostorm). I believe that the blockchain will do to the banking industry what the internet did to movie rental stores.

I would like to meet Estonian speakers who are learning English. I speak with a Midwest American English accent, which is considered to be 'neutral' among our accents, and this is how most of our TV news people sound. My writing is very good - I have done articles for professional journals, and written for political campaigns in the federal House & Senate.


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